you're a mystery yourself
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
1:56 PM

I can't see clearly. Must be all the staring at computer screens during work. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I don't want to go blind. =(

&the beauty.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008
8:33 AM

Hello everybody!

For once, I'm not blogging from work but home! How cool is that. Woke up early today. Gonna make full use of every single moment. *happy happy*

Met up with the FATS yesterday night. Movie & popcorns for dinner. 27 dresses' like the perfect girl show.

Truly enjoyed it through & through. Not that the plot was fantastic or anything but it just had the right mix of sweet, funny & heart breaking moments. What a feel good movie. Glad that I watched it with two girls. Not too sure about guys & chic flicks, but I'm definite about getting the DVD the moment it comes out. Can't wait to watch it all over again. Woo Hoo!

Had a pretty sad realisation yesterday. I'm losing weight. Before u go around getting puzzled, it's bad cause I'm totally losing it at all the wrong places. Why? Why? Why?

I'll look like a half eaten apple (small face & upper body, big lower body) if this goes on. NO! NO! NO!

Oh wells. Just hope that it'll balance out quick & soon. Gonna focus more on lower body workouts from now on. I need to pray for anointed weight loss.

&the beauty.

Monday, January 28, 2008
1:30 PM

Here's the breakdown of what went on this past week.

Lets start with Fri. Ooo~. So love Fridays. Firstly, it was pay day. Secondly, I had the most awesome time shopping with dearest B1. All was well except for the fact that Midnight shopping is so NOT Midnight in Singapore. The shops were closing at like 10.30! It was kinda disappointing but good in a way, cause we're planning to go for round 2 TOMORROW!!! WAHAHAHAH.

Saturday was great too. After my relentless scrubbing, mopping, wiping & moving, my room's finally transformed!!! I must add, shopping at IKEA's definitely one of the happiest thing to do on earth. All the pretty & cool stuff. Needless to add, ultra cheap hotdog too! HOHOHOO.

Til now, my room's about 80% complete. Just some new details, additions etc. and viola! It's ready for the new year!!!

Honestly, apart from Christmas, CNY's probably the next coolest holiday(For youths at least). Just think about it. Total makeovers & a guilt free reason to receive cash. How cool is that? I bet the caucasians kids are totally boiling over & trying to invent such a day for themselves. Hohoho.

Sunday was extremely gooood. Pst. A. R Bernard shared about reputation & character. Which is something that many of us are consistently conscious about but, at the same time, are tarnishing & compromising with all the daily decisions we make.

So here we are, back at monday. Totally packed already but once again, Life's good.

Gonna go for dinner & movie with the FATS tonight then it's shopping with B1 tmr! *happy dance*

Only thing now is that all happiness comes with a price. In this case, it literally means price tag after price tags. Oh wells. Better remind myself to keep my head back on.

One more week to the Hols ppl! Live it up!

&the beauty.

Thursday, January 24, 2008
4:31 PM

May I have a cheque for $1500/- please? Thank You.

&the beauty.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
5:23 PM

Shopping please. (@_@)

&the beauty.

Monday, January 21, 2008
10:32 AM


WAHAHAHHA. Had to say that. If I ever do become a deejay, it'll only be for one reason. To wake the entire Singapore with my nonsensical laugh, noises & calls. How fun. Hoho.

Well, it's a brand new week. Outlook's pretty bright & good so far. Do pray that it'll continue this way.

I'm starting to set into the whole habit of blogging already. Not too bad.

Though it's a little like walking around orchard with a sandwich board carrying your entire life story, blogging's pretty good for the soul I guess. Freedom of speech & thought. Gives you an avenue to muck up courage for sharing as well.

Boss (Sharon) asked me a question recently. She asked me what kind of guys do I go for. Told her good guys. Hoho.

Went on a little more but didn't exactly give her a good or specific answer still. Realised that I haven't really placed much, if not any, thought into it. So lets try.

[Disclaimer: This is NOT an advertisement for a boyfriend. It's always good to know what u want. Not that desperate yet. Maybe if I'm 55 & still single (God, pls. NOOOOO), I just might put one up. Straits times somemore. Hohoho.]

Here it goes. My dream guy got to...
  • Have a Godly heart & attitude. (definite)

  • Be a person of big visions & faith

  • Have the ability to lead me & strengthen my walk with God

  • Be strong in character (Decisive, man of his word, honest, humble, loving, serving etc.)

  • Be my best friend (interesting, understanding & funny to the right extent)

  • Love my family

  • Be hardworking, know the value of $ but have a prosperous mindset still.

  • Be about 1.75m in height. -A little shorter's ok i guess.

  • Have good teeth, kind eyes & relatively good complexion

  • Look smart, clean, fit, healthy & attractive (at least to me) *strong, hopefully, broad shoulders are a super plus.

  • be between 3-5 years years older than I am.

Realised that I have a liking for strong, shy guys that are on the taller side. Just can't stand the obssesive, overly talkative, emo, vain & MCP type.

Yup. Tts about it. Not too tough rit? Should be able to find before 55. Hoho.

Currently, just got to work on myself & some self-improvement first. No point expecting much when I'm not at where I can be yet.

Focus Jodie Goh!

However, it's always good to have a list so that I can start praying early right?

Kiasu a bit! Hoho.

So there's that. Record's straight.

&the beauty.

Saturday, January 19, 2008
8:41 PM


Much better. The past few day's been so packed that I really do agree with the FATS, my organiser's a lil too small. = (

Oh wells, it's alright still.

Just came back from 2 consecutive stay overs & a great CGM.

Thank God my tutoring got postponed to tomorrow. If not, judging by the state (zombie-fied) that I was in today, I probably would have taught her total nonsense & not notice a single thing.

Bad Jodie. Bad.

I shall do my utmost best to avoid such circumstances in future.

In any case, it was still a great time of catching up with mich(thur) and the FATS (fri).

Decided to get my tattoo done in June. As to why I have to wait till June, I would rather leave this undiscussed. Long story.

IN ANY CASE, I'm still considering the design. Will probably get a simple African or Maori symbol. If not, a simple floral design will be pretty cool too. Got my eyes on one or two of them already. We shall see. *smiles*

Meanwhile, as a prelude to my upcoming future, decided to get some henna done.

*note: designs below are not what I have in mind for the tattoo. This' just for fun & entertainment.

Credit to the all so talented Amelia Pang.

I hate to admit that this ugly slug is a masterpiece of mine. (Consolation: we all have different talents, so it's ok.)

That's all for now. Thanks for dropping by!

Truly in need of some good sleep.

So many things to do, so little time.

&the beauty.

Friday, January 18, 2008
5:46 PM

I end work at 5.30. They put me on the phone til 6. Scam artists.

&the beauty.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
3:03 PM

WHAHAHAH. I have no idea why but I'm just feeling exceptionally happy today.

Maybe because it's cheat day and I allowed myself to have my all time favourite SUBWAY!

Or maybe it's the result of a pleasent day at work.

Or maybe it's just a happy day.

Yup. It's a happy day. I love happy days. HOHO.

In any case, I'm in a good mood and that calls for a celebration!

In view of my determination to lose at least 2 kg before CNY, I shall get rid of my user unfriendly foody skin and change to this new one!

Like it?? :P

&the beauty.

1:51 PM

WAHAHHAHAH. Just found the perfect song to accompany my previous post.

All Out of Love - Air Supply

I'm lying alone with my head on the phone
Thinking of you till it hurts
I know you hurt too but what else can we do
Tormented and torn apart
I wish i could carry your smile in my heart
For times when my life seems so low

It would make me believe
what tomorrow could bring
When today doesn't really know,
doesn't really know

I'm all out of love,
I'm so lost without you
I know you were right,
believing for so long
I'm all out of love,
what am i without you
I can't be too late
to say i was so wrong

I want you to come back
and carry me home
Away from these long, lonely nights
I'm reaching for you, are you feeling it too?
Does the feeling seem oh, so right?

And what would you say if i called on you now
And said that i can't hold on?
There's no easy way, it gets harder each day
Please love me or i'll be gone, i'll be gone

Ooh, what are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
What are you thinking of
(repeat chorus)

Hail the Classics. Hoho. "_"

&the beauty.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
1:20 PM


Using whatever's left of my little lunch break to type this entry in.

Had a problematic call before lunch. Sometimes, u really will feel that your true self and heart's tested in this job.

Daily all I see are divorce cases, family breakups, hardships etc. and it seems like everyone has their own story. And they do. The truth is, there really isn't much that we can do for them and at times u'll just feel a lil... incapable.

My colleagues even commented "u'll get used to this, after a while u won't feel anything. If these things don't happen, u'll have no job".

That really felt so terrible. Told prissy my compassion really thinned dwn today.

Will only be working a few months here. Even so, it's been an eye opener & a good training ground.

So all of us blessed ppl out there, be sure to spread as much joy as u can ya! Trust me, it makes a big difference.

" The curse of our generation is not the chase of money, but the lack of courage to face one's true emotions."

- Anonymous

&the beauty.

Sunday, January 13, 2008
11:52 PM

Hello everyone

Had a wonderfuk week. Apart frm my nonsensical work
days with prissy, who constantly tried to tempt me out of my wondrous diet (BAD PRISSY! BAD! -yes. I talk to her as if she's like a cat cause she totally behaves like one. purr.) that has lasted so far for one FULL week, I've had a pretty peaceful, good & fulfilling time. Even managed to run twice & do a full round of yoga! WAHAHHAHA. Will add on slowly. Working on it. Working.

To all fellow determined & resoluted health junkie wannabes out there, do u know that u hv to exercise for at least
5 days a week, 30 mins each with a pretty high intensity for effective weight loss?And If you're just looking at maintaining a healthy body, 3 days a week's fine enough. :)
(as quoted frm

Now THATS a target ppl. Work towards it! And on the good side, at least u get 2 days off right? :p

As for svc, Pst. Tan really nailed it & preached a great message today. The message was on forgiveness. Though I genuinely don't think there's any unforgiveness in my heart (not to my knowledge at least), still am extrememly blessed and impacted. Currently trying to figure if there's any1 that I may owe an apology to. So if owe you one, pls do let me know ya? Would sincerely appreciate it. ;)

Beyond forgiveness, the message and knowledge of Re-focusing & Value judgement can truly be used in almost every situation & aspect of life as well. So simple but yet powerful & true. Just got to put it to good use. Even if we may not feel tt we need to forgive or be forgiven now, we'll never know just when this message may just come in handy. Truth is, ppl get hurt & we hurt ppl all the time. Keeping these understandings & principles in our heart's impt if we want to learn hw to handle those situations well.

For everyone out there, here's what forgiveness stands for:

1. Real forgiveness is unconditional
2. Forgiveness does not minimise the seriousness of the offence
3. Forgiveness isn't resuming a relationship without change
4. Forgiveness isn't forgetting what has happened
5. Forgiveness isn't my right when I wasn't the one hurt

'Never be afraid to be who you are, it's what you do that defines you. Not what you have on or around you.'


Have a great week everyone!

&the beauty.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
1:58 AM

Grandma's 80th Birthday!!

Say Hi to the birthday girl. Totally adorable & sweet loving isn't she? Happy Birthday
Ah ma!

Jen & I getting a lil bored

Yup. We're really bored. (point: anorexia's BAD & UGLY)

Back to normal again. :)

The Goh sisters (minus one)

Scroll down!!

&the beauty.

1:39 AM

New Year's eve with my dearest Family.

Jamie & I

Daddy & Mummy. (Married for 23 years. New year day's their anniversary. Sweet eh?)

Jen & I

& I My most adorable Daddy!!!
Myself with the twins a.k.a my babies. *sighs* All grown up already.

More Pics below!! ;)

&the beauty.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
9:11 PM


Pictures frm dinner w Sherwin, Wei Long & Mich are up! Told ya they're cmin in truckloads. ;)

Introducing awesome company No.1: Michelle Fong!

Awesome company No.2 : Hoong Wei Long!

And no.3 : Sherwin Lim! *round of applause*

That's all folks! (check out the shy uncle. HAHA)

&the beauty.

11:08 AM


It's bored at work/blogging time again!

Can u believe it? This time I finished my work at
11am! Before Lunchtime!

Just if u're wondering, no, I'm not going to blog like 15 times today. Gonna be on phone duty later. =(

Now that, is no fun at all. I'd rather go ard irritating my colleagues or hop frm toilet to toilet for 5 hrs. At least it's fun. Tts the thing abt working with statutory boards. Phone calls.
Urgh. Trust me. Singaporeans can be pretty weird & irritating.

On the happy side, had a totally insane time with
B1, Sharon & JX yesterday night. Steamboat at bugis. Firstly, I must say, I do kind of pity JX. Not like being the only guy wasn't bad enough, we were seriously taking turns to torture him. But since u kept calling me Jora the explorer with an uncommon face (so long), my sympathy ends here. Too bad brother. WAHAHHAHA.

Just for the record, the comedian Mark Lee was sitting at the table next to us. However, being us, we couldn't be bothered and just went on laughing like crazy. Not like there was anything to bother abt in the first place. B1 dared me to take a pic with him & I dared her to get his signature like some fanatic fan would. Obviously, none of the above happened.

The entire night was just filled with laughter, HOHOHOs & even more HAHAHAs. The cab ride back was the ultimate. Genuinely do think tt I have the funniest CGL ever. My abdominal muscles are even feeling a little cramped nw. Must be a result of excessive laughter.

Thank God for wonderful friends.

Tts about it happy ppl. Know tt I promised to post up sme pics earlier but can't do tt at work nw. So patience pls! They'll go up in truck loads!

&the beauty.

Monday, January 7, 2008
5:01 PM

I'm genuinely quite bored today. Completed all my work at 3pm!

Absolutely looking forward to dinner with beloved B1, Lover boy JX & Hot chic boss Sharon later. We're havin STEAMBOAT! This is like CNY reunion, just one month in advance. HOHO. *mum mum, yummy yummy*

Meanwhile, decided to keep myself entertained by doing the all time Geek, Nerd or Dork test. Don't be suprised ppl. This is me!

Your Score: Pure Nerd

56 % Nerd, 34% Geek, 21% Dork

For The Record:

A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.

A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.

A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd!

The times, they are a-changing. It used to be that being exceptionally smart led to being unpopular, which would ultimately lead to picking up all of the traits and tendences associated with the "dork." No-longer.

Being smart isn't as socially crippling as it once was, and even more so as you get older: eventually being a Pure Nerd will likely be replaced with the following label: Purely Successful.


Woo Hoo! I'm SMART ppl! EXCEPTIONALLY SMART & SUCCESFUL! So much for being BIMBOTIC eh. WAHAHHAHAHA. Darn u critics.

p.s. the guy's quite hot rit? HOHOHO.

&the beauty.

3:42 PM

Hello everybody! *spastic voice*

Yes. I'm finally blogging. Char wan's totally right. It's been a week since e New Year has passed so I shld totally blog smething new.

*up!* ; *fingers to heart*

I, Jodie Goh Qian Yi (took me 10 secs b4 I decided to put my chi name in. So DON'T LAUGH), hereby declare to fulfill my promise of remaining faithful to this blog. With the exception of sickness, death, holidays, severe calamity, mid-life crisis-es & really really special days such as Oprah's birthday (breathes), I shall make a point to blog at LEAST once or twice a week.

Alrightey. So technically, it's only been a week since I've last blogged so
*whew*. Well done Jodie. HOHO.

In any case, my word is my bond. So dear friends, please do hold me to it. Beyond the blogging, it's really does boil down to dedication, faithfulness & commitment.

Since e bible says tt when u're faithful in the little, God shall give u much... I guess I can start asking for my own column in the newspaper in abt 5 years time? WAHHAHA.

*I crap too much*

&the beauty.

the tyrant

What you see, is what you get.


"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin






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